A very happy Halloween was had here in Albuquerque. Jacob discovered that he could gnaw through boxes and wrappers to get the goods inside, and after that he would NOT leave his treat bag alone! His class worked all week practicing wearing costumes and trick-or-treating, and although you may laugh, it was a good thing! He HATED the ward trunk-or-treat that we had at the beginning of the week (and actually gagged himself and threw up in the middle of the parking lot to get out of it-- it's a memory that I'm trying to repress) but actually did great trick-or-treating Halloween night!

Benjamin was an awesome Spiderman once again, and this year he was brave enough to wear the mask! He designed and carved his own pumpkin which we lovingly call "the chainsaw massacre."

One last comment-- I cannot BELIEVE the haul of candy that my kids got in an hour of trick-or-treating! Back in my day (when we had to trick-or-treat going uphill both ways jumping from fence post to fence post through the blinding snow to get our candy) we could trick or treat all night and only get a fraction of what my kids got in an hour! And back then at least half of it consisted of dum-dums, Smarties, and Sweethearts. I could count the number of those treats that my kids got on one hand! Lots of houses here just passed out bags of candy-- little Halloween bags with lots of candy bars and goods inside. What is this world coming to?


Gramps said…
I was watching all the kids trick-or-treating to our house and wishing so bad I could see my own grandkids trick or treating. So they had a trunk or treat *AND* trick or treat. Spoiled kids. Cute pictures!
Marilyn said…
So the question is are you going to let them eat all that hordes of candy? I have observed in the past that you are even more reluctant than I was to let my kids eating candy. And it seems like Benjamin really isn't terribly excited about eating candy. He rarely eats what the fairies leave in our garden. Does he go for the stuff he collected on Halloween? Fun pictures!
Cambrienelson said…
Kiera doesn't like candy-- except for suckers. Nice though. I need to buy more suckers for next time she tinkles in the the potty......

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