a few tidbits

Kiera is officially in to pricesses (specifically Cinderella). Buff gave her a princess doll which she calls her "pesess". She also enjoys dressing up-- but only in shoes. Shoes are what makes a person beautiful in Kiera's world. She likes her sunday shoes and her red shoes.

Kiera has little Elmo doll that she put a "necklace" on. The funny thing about the necklace however is the fact that it makes elmo look very gangster/gothic since it is black leather and has silver star studs (much like a spiky dog colar or something). It is a bracelet we inherited from someone and Kiera has decided that Elmo is going to wear it as a necklace perminantly. Gothic elmo.

Kiera discovered her shadow the other day. Yep, you guessed it-- she was afraid of it and wanted me to make it go away.

I was cruising the internet at 3am last night and discovered something that I thought was quite interesting. I believe I blogged about the fact that the doctors that wrote up my hyperemesis case study won some sort of award that gave them $ to go present it at some big convention in florida. Well, I looked it up because I was interested and found this (if you want to find it it's on page 40, P-150) which shows that the case study was one of 1122 studies presented at the confrence and that it won 2 awards: 2008 ACG Presidential Poster Award h 2008 ACG / AstraZeneca Clinical Vignette Award.
Sometimes I feel a bit helpless in my position of knowing the absolute cure for the symptoms of hyperemesis and not being able to get the information out to people. I frequent a online support group and information sight and read some of the forums. Most women with hyperemeis don't have it as bad as I did my first pregnancy, but there are still quite a few across the country who do and I cry when I read that they abort pregnancies because they can't tolerate the hyperemesis and NONE of the medications help. I HAVE THE ANSWER!! I KNOW THE CURE! But the trouble is that in my lowly status of RN I have no way of getting this information out to people. Everyone Claims to have the cure..."just keep saltines with you all the time and sip ginger tea... it worked for me!". There aer women aborting pregnancies every day due to hyperemesis and I am determined to find a way to get the information out there. So, off I go to write letters/emails to websites, reasearch programs, doctors, etc.. I don't have the power to help women with hyperemesis, but I can find someone who does.


Marilyn said…
So, why don't you call some local TV studio, or even National show like the Today show? I have seen them do info to the public, interviewing women who have had to go through it, I would think they would like to follow up with the cure, and they will take you seriously when you can point them to this write-up that you sent us to in this blog. Get the Dr to verify it. Heck, they can fly you both out there and interview the both of you, then it will have an impact!
Gramps said…
Scared of her shadow eh? Made me laugh. I can imagine her wrinking her brow and reaching for mom when she discovered it.

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