Sometimes it helps to have friends from all around the world. When I do genealogy searches I search on "Groneman" or, knowing my ancestors changed it when they came from Denmark, search on "Gronemann". I know the origin is from Germany but I have no genealogy that goes back that far. I was talking to one of my German friends today who said that Groneman sounds very German but all he knows is people in Germany named "Grohnemann" Cool...I never knew the name likely had an H in it once upon a time. A new piece of the puzzle to work with and a new spelling to search on. Too bad Christensen is such a common name...that side of me is a lot harder to do any research on.
Oh..and I just have to put this recipe on the blog because he said that if I like Sauerbraten with Spaetzel, I would LOVE
this recipe and
this recipe.