So 2 nights ago, I actually did something social... the first time in about 5 months that I have besides going to church and break the fast. It was only for an hour or so but It was very fun. So me and my roommates and a guyfriend that had come over were all out boiling in our apt. hot tub when someone mentioned how fun it would be to have the hot tub filled with bubbles... well we all got that evil gleam in our eyes and went and some liquid soap and put it in.
It took awhile but eventually the hot tub was filled with bubbles and we proceeded to have a whole lot of fun. Oh and just to let you all know, for school tomorrow, I get to be a earthquake victim/patient. We were instructed today during class that we were to all show up at one of our clinical sites in grubby street clothes and that we are going to be assigned symptoms etc and have fake blood on us like we were in a earthquake. The hospital staff is then going to proceed in how they would take care of us in a emergency situation. I guess that this is a drill that they have every year or so....and we get to be the patients. I'll probably take pictures and post them up later.


Cambrienelson said…
Ummm, fun, but what a mess!

Good luck being a victim.
Marilyn said…
Looks fun, but hopefully it doesn't cause any trouble with the pumps!
Unknown said…
Or the Landlord.
Gramps said…
Yea, I'm glad I'm not the service person that has to deal with soap in the pumps or the other apartment dwellers that were planning on a soak only to find the place filled with soap! Fun pictures though!
Erica said…
I think the only thing missing in those pictures is a rubber ducky. :)

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