For those of you who do not have children, this is a preview of what you have to look forward to:

Last night I was going to go to bed at 11:30 but decided to wake up Lyida to feed her since she had not eaten in 6 hours and I didn't want to be woken up in an hour to feed her. I guess she wasn't that hungry because after I fed her and put her in her bed she spit up and woke herself up. After putting her to sleep twice more she spit up twice more and then she was awake as could be, smiling and ready to play. At 1:30 she was still just as happy and awake as could be so I decided to put her in her bed and let her cry herself to sleep so that we could get some sleep. She fell asleep after about 15 minutes of crying, however, she apparently woke up Kiera who came in to our room and wanted to sleep with us. Anybody who has ever tried it knows that it is impossible to sleep with a toddler so after about 30 minutes carried her back to her room. 3 minutes later she was tapping my shoulder asking me for some "daddy cereal" (aka: Rice Chex), so after a 2 am snack and taking her back to her bed about 6 times (she just discoved how use doorknobs so shutting the door doesn't work) I finally got her to sleep in her room at about 3:40. Lyida woke up at 6:30 so needless to say I didn't get much sleep.


Gramps said…
Sounds kind of familiar.
Cambrienelson said…
I'm sure Christa can sympathize as of recently.
Marilyn said…
Yes, that is just why grandparents have the best em, kiss em, play with em and then send them home with mommy and daddy to sleep! Except that only works when they are close at hand. :(
But a close one is just about done, and ready to play with.
Hope you can get a nap today!

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