Baby Groneman Update

The dr appt went well today. My blood pressure is lower now and he's not too concerned (we had to go back in today because at my Tuesday appt--which I was late for--my blood pressure was high). I had a contraction while he was checking the baby's heartbeat, but I'm still not really able to tell (except when I'm walking around!). He said he's pretty sure her head is down, so that's good. I have a feeling this little one is going to come sooner than later, even though we did set the induction date for December 20th (not going to happen, I just know it). So, all is going well so far! :) Chad and I would like her to stay in the oven for at least another week (that would be nice, especially since my last day of work is next Friday, the 21st), but the doctor said if she came today, she'd probably come home with mommy from the hospital, so that's good to hear. There's no indication she'll be coming in the next week, but she's getting ready to come sometime in the next month. For some reason, I think it would be great if she had a first week of December birthday. Chad is going for November 30th.

So, there's that. Things are good here. Chad put the car seat in the car yesterday, and we're packing the hospital bag today, so we're getting there slowly but surely. Still need to do the nursery, but little by little we're making progress.


Gramps said…
I'm so excited!
Marilyn said…
Yeah! A cute little red headed baby doll to play with!
Nobody over there is excited are they ? :)
Marilyn said…
BTW, you guys ought to be taking/making every effort to go on dates while you still can with ease!
Right, Christa and Cambrie?
Cambrienelson said…
No... when I was about to have Kiera everyone always said "enjoy these last few days of being without children!" but how the heck are you suppose to think about anything besides having a baby? And how are you suppose to enjoy life while being 9 months pregnant?!
I'm sure you guys are so excited and I'm so excited for you!!!
Unknown said…
I'm still guessing December 13. And good job you guys.

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