Remember the Groneman Baby Guesses

The criteria and judging standards can be found HERE
Cambrie said...
Kiera is offended that she is the only one in the family who doesn't meet the age criteria.

Cambrie's guess:
Dec 11th 2:25 AM, 6 lbs 8 oz, female. Red hair
Brett said...

My guess is subject to change until the formula is no longer subject to change.

Marilyn said...

Dec 13, 4 am, 6 lbs 5 ounces! (She will want to come then so she can steal the show on your anniversary!
Kim said...

Dec 12, 11:00pm, 6lb-4oz, 19.5 inches, GIRL - I'm so excited!

24 August, 2008 13:26
Christa said...

Dec. 10th, 3:52 pm, 6 lb. 7 oz., 19 inches, girl. You'd better not wrap her birthday presents in Christmas wrap!

24 August, 2008 21:24
Erica said...

I feel a little pressure filling this out, (as if I should know any better than anyone else out there!!) but here is my guess.

December 11th, 3:24 am, 7 lb. 8 oz, 19" long, red fuzz hair (barely visible hair).
Chad said...

December 9th, 4:00 PM, 7 lb. 0 oz., 18" long, red hair, cutest baby girl ever.


Marilyn said…
Cant wait to see who is right! :)

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