Happy Thanksgiving DAY Everybody! I wish we were all together! But we will be celebrating this day with Chad and Erica, Breanna, and my mom and dad.
I have so very much to be grateful for!! I have a sweet husband who shows me every day that he loves me! I have great kids who have found fabulous people to marry, which I can now claim as my own! I have beautiful and sweet Grandchildren, which bring me joy. I have a powerful testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I am SO VERY GRATEFUL to be a member of this, the Mormon church. It brings me so much peace, and joy, and love and a sense of well being into my life. I am grateful for my knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that knowledge of who I am, why I am on Earth, and where I will be going in the post Earth life if I live according to the gospel I love. I live in America, where in spite of it's problems, is still the best place on the planet to be living. The Lord has blessed us with riches that couldn't have been even imagined for 99% of the world's history. We have all that we need and much of what we don't need, but enjoy anyway. There is only about 1% of the world currently who can say that! By the world's standards, we are all rich! I pray that all of us, in spite of the commotion and upheavals in the world's financial markets, and the uncertainty that brings, might recognize and thank the great God of Heaven for all that is right with our lives! Never forget that God knows you well and loves you more than you can possibly know! He has given us so much to help us through our trials, if we will turn to him. God loves us, and I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH too! Thanks for bringing such joy to my lives, by who you are and how you live!


Gramps said…
I love you too. Thanks for the good dinner!

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