Cambrie Tagged Me

Ok Punkin', here goes....7 random facts about me.

1 - I wore glasses all my life until I had lasik a few years ago
2 - I married my high school sweetheart who wrote me off while I was on my mission
3 - I can' say or I have to kill you...and I have to kill whoever tells, so be afraid Cambrie
4 - I got a college degree (associate) *after* I had 4 kids
4a - I was a B student in High School, a straight A student in college
5 - I spent my summers as a kid working on my aunt's farm in Idaho because I had three older sisters and my dad thought I should experience living with boys
6 - I have a soft spot in my heart for mentally disabled folk, especially kids
7 - I remember a ceremony at the local elementary school to retire the flag with 48 stars and replace it with one that had 50 stars in 1959

Tag - You're it. Now YOU have to blog 7 random facts about you.


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