FINAL Groneman Baby Guess Formula

The Groneman Baby Guess scoring system is now finalized. That means Brett can make his guess. The only alteration from the original scoring system is that the days difference multiplier is now 5.0 instead of 0.5. This is to accommodate the induction date being set one week early. There is a slight modification on when entries must be submitted by, as well. Entries must be submitted before Nov. 30th. Must be 2 or older to put in an entry.

The final scoring system:

((difference in days from date of actual birth) * 5.0) +
((difference in minutes from time of actual birth) * 0.03) +
((difference in ounces from actual birth weight) * 0.7) +
((difference in inches from actual height) * 0.2) +
(if wrong gender then 5.0, otherwise 0)

Note that all previous guesses are currently for after the Dec. 6th induction date. If you don't re-submit, we'll use your original.


Erica said…
December 6th, 1:46 pm, 7 lb. 8 oz, girl, 19" long, red fuzz hair (barely visible hair)
Chad said…
December 3rd, 3:58 PM, 7lb 4oz, 19" long, red hair. Cutest baby ever!
Marilyn said…
Dec 6th 11:45 PM, 6 lbs 2 ounces, 19 1/2", red/brown hair...Darling and very kissable, of course!
Cambrienelson said…
Dec 6th 5:41 pm 6 lbs 11 oz
Cambrienelson said…
Dec 6th 5:41 pm 6 lbs 11 oz
Christa said…
I need to know if this is a morning or an evening induction before I can submit a final guess. If morning, Dec. 6th, if evening, Dec. 7th. 8 lb. 5 oz., hair, 19 inches, APGAR of 9.
Erica said…
They still haven't called us with the exact time, so I don't know if it's morning or afternoon. Sorry!
Unknown said…
Dec. 6 @ 1830, 7 lbs 2 oz. Apgar of 9.

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