
Showing posts from January, 2009

Blessing is off

Because Mom is down in ABQ and Erica is not feeling well tonight, the blessing has been postponed. We're looking at next week.

A great food day & bad news for Christa

It started out at lunchtime when Cambrie didn't realize our oven isn't set for just stun mode, it's set for obliterate. The toasted buns we had for our French Dip Sandwiches toasted. As Brett/Katie were coming over for dinner, Cambrie decided to do pulled BBQ pork so she used our crock pot...well, apparently the settings on our crock pot are different than the settings on hers because come time to eat, it wasn't anywhere near done. Cambrie quickly decided to do some chicken and we had a good dinner after all. (I made the scrumptious bread pudding desert). It was a fun day even with the cooking problems. :) The little girls are cute. Kiera loves to ride the horsey and sit at her little table. Lydia is so full of smiles she's going to break her face. NEWSFLASH: Marilyn just called from Albuquerque and said Christa was hemoraging and had to go to the hospital. (Deja vu eh Erica?) She's asking for prayers. It goes without saying that Mari...

yep-- we survived the trip

Traveling with 2 children by plane was not bad at all. We were at the airport early and I showed Kiera the plane we were going to be going on: "Look sweetheart, there is Kiera and mommy's airplane-- we are going to go for a ride on it to Utah" (with a very concerned look on her face) "No ride on blue airplane. Go Kiera's house." Shortly thereafter it was our turn to board. She recognized as we were collapsing the stroller that we were about to get on the blue airplane and she started screaming and wailing "no blue airplane! no blue airplane!". I was carrying Lydia in that baby carrier in front of me down the narrow airplane aisles, with a huge backpack on by back and literally dragging my screaming Kiera behind me as we found a seat. You would have thought I was trying to kill the little girl! But, once we were seated and the stewardess gave us some "airplane snack and airplane juice" we were ok. Lydia slept off and on and was per...

Nelson's Have Arrived

I picked up Punkin' at the airport last evening. Holy should see the stretch limo stroller she has for those two girls. Amazing. Kiera recognized me right off and let me pick her up and we talked. She told me about Albuturkey. When we got to the Jeep and started loading stuff in she said "Oh, thank you gramps!" Lydia was sleeping when she arrived and was still sleeping when I went to bed last night so I'll have to wait until after I get home today to play with her. Cute, CUTE little girls.

Ty's Debut-- the Old and the New

He's a little piece of heaven, and my easiest baby by far (knock on wood)! We're so grateful for all of our many blessings!

While we wait...

I'm waiting for news / pictures / video of Ty Dastrup. But while we wait, I figured I could post this:

End of the world take II

Remember when the scientists involved said there was not much chance of danger from the super collider creating black holes? Well, now they're not so sure.
TY IS HOME!!!! I am very happy to announce that the little guy came home today after nursing Christa into exhaustion! She is happy to be home and is in hopes of getting a half decent (as opposed to nearly no sleep for the last 2 nights in a row) nights sleep! We would like to thank everyone for your prayers...We know that Heavenly Father heard and answered them! Heaven be praised! He is so tiny and cute. And it will be just Heavenly to have a sweet little guy to love on for the rest of this week! I think CK still needs prayers though. Mr Jacob was a tornado of mischief today. He has learned a new trick. He can now climb into the tub, AND turn the water on. He hasn't tried them both together YET. In our home if the water is running anywhere, you can hear it. But when I am in the boys bedroom end of the house and Jacob is turning on water in the Master bathroom, you don't hear it. So it just keeps on running until you find it AGAIN! I must have turned off the water ...
Whats happening in Albuquerque? Well, this evening we got to introduce Benjamin and Jacob to little Ty. That was fun! Jacob was really cute with him, for about 15 seconds...then he was done! Brigham had turned on NasCar on his laptop, so he was in hog heaven jumping up and down/clapping, about that. Benjamin said that his favorite person in the family now is TY. Cute, huh? Neither Benjamin or I got our quota of holding that cute little guy filled, so we are very anxious for him to come home. Christa is doing well and will be coming home tomorrow. Little Ty seems to be doing well in all respects, except that he doesn't have any interest in eating whatever. Christa and Brigham had a long and very frustrating night last night working for 2 straight hours (with a very obnoxious nurse) trying to get Ty to nurse from about 1:30-3:30 no avail. Still has not nursed and he is 27 hours old. Brighams brother's children all did interest till around 36 hours. ...
Welcome to the world Ty Jeremy Dastrup. Born 4:10pm on January 24th, 2009 Ty is my 6th grandchild. The third of three boys to enliven the Dastrup household. Marilyn is in Albuquerque to help out until Brigham gets his paternatiy leave in February.

Groneman Get Together

Sunday, February 8th in the afternoon/evening. Our house. Vote for: 1 - Spagetti 2 - Curry 3 - Pizza 4 - Tacos 5 - Roast Beast 6 - Other RSVP please

Blogging on saturday

I'm blogging today becasue I don't want to knock any exciting blogs from the dastrups down the page tomorrow (if they post any here). (good excuse to blog today eh?) Ahem* I am tierd. Lydia keeps me awake alot. I've done about 6 things this week that were pretty funny that were caused by my fatigue. The funniest however was when I got out of the shower and put on my deodorant...and then realized that it was hairspray. Sticky armpits are not fun: I wouldn't recommend it. It is funny how the more kids you have the more laid back you are about parenting. I remember being soooo stressed out about flying with Kiera (even when Steve was traveling with us). I flew probably 10 times with Kiera from age 0-2 and I stressed over every one. However, next wednesday I'll be traveling with TWO children and steve won't be there (and we'll have a layover in vegas). Am I nervous or stressed? not a bit. The air around these parts smells pretty funky lately. The leaves are stil...

Sociatal Meltdown

Furter evidence of the decay of our society. Not just prayer in schools, but even a moment of silence was ruled unconstitutional. Read about it here . A teacher can't even mention the word prayer because then they would be obligated to explain what it means which means advocating prayer. This is the same thing as book burning. These people don't want their children to be taught history. Rediculous.
This is one nasty computer virus. You should read this , and pay special attention to the fact that if you get a popup, you DO NOT try to close it using the X in the upper corner. Intead, right click on your browser application in the lower tool bar and select close.
Cambrie's dancing experience is here

Goodbye Marilyn!

Yer mom left this morning about 7:30am driving to Albuquerque. She asks for your prayers as the weather isn't great. She's going to have to return on the 31st so she can be here to watch the Nelson kids while Cambrie does her clinicals. Punkin' & kids fly in late on the 28th and stays until Feb 18th. I can't wait for grandchild #6 to make his healthy debut!

Baby Boy Number 3

No, no, no, he isn't here yet. However, I have created a blog "Baby Boy Number 3," to help share the news and events of our upcoming day. Check it out at: BABY BOY NUMBER 3

Proclamation to Groneman Family

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The Blessing of one Emmy Ann Groneman is tentatively scheduled to take place on the first day of February, in the year two thousand nine. The said blessing will be in a sacrament meeting, commencing at one hour past noon, taking place at the chapel located at two-thirty-five east, five-hundred north, in the city of Springville, Utah County, State of Utah. In shorthand, that would be: Emmy's Blessing: 1 Feb 2009, 1:00 PM, 235 E 500 N, Springville.
For the first time in my life, we have a president that is younger than I am. No will happen to you before you know it.

Baby will be born this week!

I finally heard back from my OB, and I am scheduled to be induced on Saturday the 24th at 7:30 am if baby hasn't made his grand entrance before then! Wish us luck!

6 Monthiversary

Maybe it's a little silly, but I've very excited to announce that Brett and I are celebrating our 6 monthiversary, also known as a half-yeariversary. Brett is working today, so that's a little lame, but I guess we'll have to live with it. Here's a little update on us. Brett has entered his final semester of his RN program which means he's started his "preceptorship" - as far as I know, the preceptorship is like clinicals, except he gets to do a lot more on his own with an RN making sure he has any help when he needs it. The only bad thing about it is that the nurse he works with only works graveyard shifts. So we spent an hour or so trying to figure out how his school and work schedule are going to fit with his preceptor's night schedule. I think we figured it out, but it's going to be a hard few months with little sleep (good thing we don't have a newborn too!). I've started student teaching Biology and a Zoology/Botany at Payson High....

Movie Review: The Dark Knight

I know this movie has already been reviewed on this blog, but I finally got to see it yesterday, and want to add my review. I had been told that this was a dark, evil movie (see Dad's review, but that wasn't the only one). I even heard of a Stake President that told his stake not to see it. But nobody over me ever asked me to not see it. I loved Batman Begins, and thus I wanted to see the Sequel. Let's get to it: I liked the movie, and didn't think it was as bad as everyone made it out to be. Was the Joker character evil and demented? Yes. He's the bad guy, so it was expected. Maybe the reviews I had heard braced me for more, but I was expecting him to be even more sick and twisted than he was. I was expecting someone like what people have told me is in "SAW" (It's rated R; I haven't seen it. The bad guy in that movie is about the most sick and twisted I've ever heard of). There is a good guy that turns bad. But it was not done quiet...
yeah! it is sunday-- the day that you have all been waiting for....the day that Cambrie writes her blog! Unfortunately, Steve has the camera (with all of the pictures on it) with him in Mexico so there will be no pictures from this week. yes, that is right-- steve is south of the border doing a mission trip. He gets back sometime about midnight tonight. He's on a mission trip with his school. Hopefully he had fun practiing his spanish skills and yankin' teeth. The pictures above are Steve and Kiera reading books in the hammock in our backyead (it is 75 degrees today-- beautiful!), and of the food that I prepared for the babyshower I hosted for my best friend in my ward last week (a ton of work-- i"m glad it is overwith). So here is the latest news with the Nelsons: Lydia is officially now in Kiera's room. I was dreading moving her in there because I thought it would be difficult for them to adjust, but they both did fine (except for last night when Lyida was cryi...

We have a winner!

I would like to announce the winner of the Groneman Baby Guess . After several recounts (accounting for hanging and complaining chads*), the winner is... DUN Dun duhn... Christa Kay Dastrup! Christa Dastrup, you have won the coveted Baby Groneman Guess prize ( prize tbd. will be delivered before January 2010 )! What will you do now?!?! *=Chad had the worst score of the group.
Update on my dad: My dad has been having chest pain, and they have done some testing and he will be going in this Tues for another heart blockage problem. He did this once before, if you remember right, where he got the stints inserted in... Dad does pretty well, especially in light of the fact of his challenges on the home front. All of his brothers have cancer. My dad worked at Geneva in an office that every other worker smoked, inside, some of them chain smokers. When he came home from work he reeked of cigarette smoke so bad that my hugs were brief so I didn't have to smell it for too long cause it gagged me out. With 2nd hand smoke that he breathed for 35 years, it is nothing short of a miracle to me that he doesn't have lung cancer. I believe with all of my heart that his life is being sustained and prolonged in answer to our prayers that the Lord extend his life so that he can take care of my mom and keep her out of a care center as long as is possible. Mom continu...

TI calculator stuff

We have a thick manual for a TI-86 calculator without the calculator, and we have a TI-30xa calculator without a manual. Anybody want them?........
We got to tend little Emmy again yesterday again because poor Erica had another setback! I was actually thinking Thursday night that I could make dinner for them and deliver it to them so I could have an excuse to go see Emmy, but she was delivered to my door to play with all day that was fun! I just feel bad for Erica! She has experienced every challenge possible ( of being a new mother). Except that Emmy is a very good baby. She is very good natured, and that is such a blessing! A friend emailed this link to me, which I found interesting: Eamonn McCann: What if Mormons are right and Catholics and Protestants wrong? http://www.belfasttelegraph. eamon-mccann/eamonn-mccann- what-if-mormons-are-right-and- catholics-and-protestants- wrong-13955402.html I even made a that probably no one will ever read because it is #5733 -ish.


Christa, you said you were looking for this song .... And GUESS WHAT?!? I was just holding Emmy for a minute and I looked down at her and talked and smiled......and she looked up at me AND SMILED :) :) :)

Ready or Not...

Today at my OB appointment my doctor said that after discussing my case with another OB who saw me at my last ultrasound, they think it would be best to induce this baby next week if he hasn't come on his own by then. They are concerned by how small I am, and although my fluid level is fine and the baby is measuring on the small side of normal, they realize that these measurements are subjective and would feel better about not letting me go past my due date. I've emailed her to ask if they will do it on Saturday the 24th, so we'll see what she says.

Survey: Next

Read the following questions in order and answer them as you go. 1. Pretend it is Monday. Someone says "Next Friday". How many days into the future are they referring to? Kim: 5 2. Pretend it is Tuesday. Someone says "Next Monday". How many days into the future are they referring to? Kim: 6 3. Pretend it is Friday. Someone says "Next Monday". How may days into the future are they referring to? Kim: 3 4. Pretend it is Friday. Someone says "Next Thursday". How may days into the future are they referring to? Kim: 6 5. Did you change any of your answers to any of these questions after reflecting on what to answer for another question? Kim: No.

Movie Review: 21

The movie "21" is based on a true story of an MIT math professor that recruits the brightest students to learn to count cards and takes them to Las Vegas and takes the casinos for hundreds of thousands of dollars at the 21 tables. I found it a facinating story albit there were some "dark" sections of Las Vegas life when the kids were at the top of their game and living the high life. I won't give the story away, but suffice it to say the group has problems because of greed and eventually implodes with dire consequences.

Tax Time

If any of you are interested, I purchased TurboTax premier for this tax season. Originally they stated that it would come with one federal e-file, and that any other returns they did (even paper returns) would cost $10. But they changed their minds in an update, so we can e-file for free on five returns (and unlimited paper returns). I think Dad purchased the same version of Turbotax as well. But if you want to come over and use my copy of Turbotax, that's fine.

The Evolution of Mom

For all you mothers with children out there, especially for Christa expecting her third. THIS LINK IS FOR YOU.

a little of everything

Lots of fun happening around here. Kiera going through daddy-withdrawls after steve had to start school again. Poor little lady. Kiera has started trying to draw pictures of people now (see photo above). Kiera has officially mastered the VCR. She knows how to work it and what all of the buttons do. (I'll bet there are some 70 year olds who don't know as much as she does at age 2). Lydia has been enjoying a few firsts lately. We gave her rice cereal last night for the first time which she was apparently more than ready for (see video), we've put her in a doorway jumper which she likes although she hasn't figured out the jumping part yet. Oh, and for those of you who have been to NM lately, you'll appriciate this: Steve and I plan on applying to a government program that is somewhat like the military in that they pay for your schooling; but instead of steve being in a branch of the military, he will owe the government years of his life serving in one of th...

New Church Policy

The church leadership in Salt Lake City is currently having serious discussions about ordaining all new born babies to the office of High Priest. This way, there is a much greater chance that they would sleep through sacrament meeting.
For Sale:

Don't Make a Nurse Angry

A bigshot businessman had to spend a couple of days in the hospital. He was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his employees. None of the hospital staff wanted to have anything to do with him. The head nurse was the only one who could stand up to him. She came into his room and announced, "I have to take your temperature" After complaining for a bit, he settled down, crossed his arms and said "stick it in my ear". "No, I'm sorry" the nurse said, "but for this reading I can't use that type of thermometer" so he just opened his mouth. "Unfortunately, I can't use an oral thermometer either...they just aren't accurate enough for what we need in this case, I have to take it from the other end." This started a whole new round of complaining but the nurse was insistent and eventually he rolled over and bared his bottom end. After feeling the nurse insert the thermometer, he heard he...

My new phone number

I got a new phone number (Chad can tell you what the new one is) because BYU was paying for my phone before. Using my new phone, I sent a message to the contacts in my old phone that said, "I left Efy and had to get a new phone. This is it. I love being a full-time mom. Hope things are good for you. Love, Erica Krueger Groneman I received a text and phone call from one of the people I taught on my mission, who I haven't talked to in ages. I called her back, thinking she was just excited to talk to me since it had been a while. After we talked for a bit, she said, "Did I read your text right?" "Did I read that right?" "Yeah," I said. "How do you spell your new last name?" Then I got all concerned I had spelled it wrong or it spelled a bad word or something since it was a new phone I was using and it was the middle of the night when I sent them out. "G-r-o-n-e-m-a-n." "Did I read that right," she asked again. Then she s...
I just found this to be SO funny because it's SO true. I wonder how many people out there blog day in and day out without anyone reading them. Take this poor girl for an example. She doesn't just blog, she has a complete set of online forums to converse in...but she's the only member: --------------------------------------- Total Topics: 1093 - Total Posts: 2270 View the 10 most recent posts of this forum. Total Members: 1 Newest Member: Joynice Kanellis ----------------------------------- See it for yourself: This is one lonely person.
Atlantis Found by Clive Cussler My review rating: 2 of 5 stars When you read a "Dirk Pit" novel, you don't expect much and some are better than others. (like the last one I reviewed) This wasn't one of those. There was a lot more cheese and bluster in this one than normal and it was just too unbelievable. Still the action was entertaining so worth finishing, but I would never recommend this particular book to anyone. View all my reviews.

Must See Movie: 7 Pounds

Brigham and I just got home from seeing Will Smith's " 7 Pounds " (you can get free tickets by signing up for a free trial of something on Fandango), and all I can say is that it's the best show we've seen in a long time. Definitely worth your time.


Watched Iron Man yesterday. I had heard from Doug Wright on KSL that it was a good movie though I was skeptical as it looked like just another super hero movie to me. I was pleasantly surprised. It's about a scientist that gets taken hostage in Afganistan and creates the Iron Man suit to escape. Yea, standard cheesy in a lot of ways just because these kind of movies are like that, but good story and very well done. I liked this much better than The Dark Knight.
5.0 earthquake.....we survived.
WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO??? Even the Robins are rebelling! We have at least 2 robins that decided not to fly south for the winter. I saw them again this morning...they kept fluttering their wings to shake off the snow that was falling on them. I keep wondering what they are surviving on since they eat fruit, worms and bugs, and there isn't any of those around and hasn't been for 1-2 months. I did have mercy (for the first time this winter) and put the grapes from the grape juice we drank, out on the picnic table. They didn't last for long, but I don't know if it was eaten by the robins or the magpies. But, they had their chance! Sometimes the harsh realities of the cold cruel world teach the rebellious to stop rebelling! In other, much more fun news, I got to enjoy little Emmy, all day today again! I gave her a bath, and it was entertaining! MY MY MY!!! I am very well aware that babies Emmy's age HATE to have baths. So, that she didn't like it was...
Yesterday we decided to do something useless with the snow that came out of our parking spot.

Baby Dastrup Update

Today I had another ultrasound since I was measuring 3-4 weeks small last week at my appointment, and I'm very pleased to announce that things are still looking good! My fluid levels are on the low side of normal, but still in the normal range. Baby is measuring a little bit small, but is again still in the normal range. They might start checking me once or twice weekly to make sure everything stays fine until I deliver, but I'll discuss that with my OB tomorrow. I'm just relieved that I wasn't induced today! I'm actually excited about seeing what this whole thing is like if it happens naturally (not completely naturally, I guess-- I fully intend on getting an epidural ASAP!)!
About 18" of snow in the last 2 days here.

Opening Debut of Kiera Singing

Keira likes to bring her toys into my room and play with them with me. Well she brought this toy in and started singing along with it. I thought it was very cute so I got it on video for your enjoyment!
Happy Birthday Sweet Erica! Hey, yes, I see that Breanna beat me to this, but I just have to do it too! I wish you were up to being able to take you out to lunch, but with you starting to bleed again, I think that would not be wise. R&R-I am sure that is what your Dr would order in this instance. So maybe you will have to take a rain check for lunch or dinner with me! I told BJ this morning that I am having too much fun taking care of little Emmy. I wish you weren't having to deal with such a problem, but I am enjoying the fringe benefits of loving on my littlest grand daughter! SO SWEET and FUN TO HOLD! Anyway, we sure love you and hope you can have a happy Birthday in spite of having to be in the recovery mode again! I am SO VERY grateful that Chad found and married a treasure like you!

Happy Birthday Erica!

Well, I kind of cheated by looking on Facebook but I saw that today is Erica's birthday.... So HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERICA! I hope it a good one for you, especially with all you've been through as of late but how could it not be when you have my cute niece there to play with. We all love you!

I'd like to thank the medical field.

(Picture has nothing to do with the, blog-- it is just cute.) So, were it not for modern medicine, let us count who would still be here and who would have kicked the bucket by now-- (corret me if I'm wrong or if I've missed something) Dad/Gramps-- Still alive and kickin' Mom/Grandma-- Died from hypothyriodism in 1988ish Christa-- Died from hemorrage in 2005ish Chad-- Died from hyperthyroidism (in 2008) Cambrie-- Died of starvation in 2006 Bert-- Died of Diabeties in 1998ish Buff-- Still alive and kickin Brigham--Alive and busy Steve-- Alive and busy Erica-- Died from hemmorrage in 2009 Katie--Alive but wouldn't have married Brett if he was dead at the time. Benjamin-- Alive Jacob--Died from respiratory problems in 2005ish Kiera-- Wouldn't have existed Lydia--Wouldn't have existed Emmy-- Alive and well So, in summary-- this family would consist of Gramps, Buff, Brigham, Steve, Benjamin, and Emmy. Good thing we have modern medicine or else this family would ...

Movie Review: Valkyrie

If you don’t mind the subject matter or staring at Tom Cruise’s mole in extreme close-ups then I’d totally recommend watching this movie. It keeps you in suspense from start to almost finish—the last five minutes of the movie it becomes pretty obvious how everything is going to play out. The film sticks to the main plot and doesn’t deviate to concentration camps or anything—think of it as a Saints and Solder’s (small budget, realistic effects) meets Braveheart (plot and the good guys’ odds of winning). Perhaps because it’s a true story and what these people risked makes it all the more powerful regardless if you know your history and know what happens. My family felt it was at most a onetime see, but I wouldn’t mind putting it in our Nelson Video Vault. There are no inappropriate scenes and I believe there’s only one swear word total. My only suggestion is that they shouldn’t have released the movie during a merry Christmas time since you don’t walk out of the theaters with all those...


You MUST click on this picture. Out of 271 Christmas pictures taken by us, here are 70 of the best. And then when you're done with that, click on THIS LINK to watch a movie of the shindig.

I have a request

If any of you aren't planning on using your coupons for digital converters, I could use a couple more. If you wouldn't mind ordering them HERE using your address and giving/sending one to me it would save me some dough.

Thank you, Everyone!!

Thank you, each of you, for your prayers on my behalf. Thankfully the bleeding has totally stopped and I am doing well, all things considered. If you still want to know what in the world happened (I know it all happened so fast), I posted my perspective on mine and Chad's blog: Just a warning, though, it's LONG and maybe a little graphic. But since most of the family minus Chad and I seem to be in the medical field, I figure you can handle it if you're interested. Thank you again for all your prayers. We've still got a long way to go until our lives are back to normal, but we have witnessed MIRACLES. I am still overwhelmed by it all.

Lydia Laughing

Since Cambrie no longer has time to upload things like this on the blog, here is a cute video of Lydia laughing. Most of the laughing is at the end of the video as she is distracted by the red light to start with but it is very cute.
A funny look back at 2008

BrainBashers - December Results

Whoa Bretsker! 23 Brett Groneman 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 25.1447% 168 Cambrie Nelson 2 1 1 9 2 1 1 1 1 1 3.8466% 324 Steven Nelson 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 2 1.1485% 338 Christa Dastrup 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 7 1 1.0633% 527 Breanna Groneman 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 8 1 725 Kim Groneman 2 2 5 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 849 Chad Groneman 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 10 2 1 Enter January's contest here

Erica Update

Erica is doing well and is out of the Hospital. More details later.
Kim gave a bit of a report on Erica...I will elaborate some. I am hoping that you all are keeping Erica's recovery in your prayers. She isn't totally "out of the woods" yet. They are still giving her (I think this is # 4 ) units of blood, 3 in and one going in. After they are done with that they are going to get her on her feet for about 20 minutes and see if she has stopped hemorrhaging enough to let her come home this evening. They did the D&C yesterday evening, and "it didn't go as well as we had hoped for" so they tried a new technique that had never been done in American Fork Hospital before (and Erica's Dr was the only one trained to do it-Yet another of the Lord's tender mercies) where they insert some kind of balloon and blow it up to stop the bleeding. That was last night, and this morning when they deflated appears to have worked. But they won't know if it really fixed it until they get Erica up. The reason I thin...

New Year's with Emmy

It's New Year's day and I'm spending it with Emmy. Our darling daughter-in-law Erica whom we love is in the hospital with complications from the birth of Emmy. Chad brought Emmy over yesterday afternoon so he could go be with his sweetheart. From what I understand this morning, the doctors were able to get the situation under control today and after receiving a couple of doses of blood, Erica is doing better but still getting blood as I type. Dunno if she'll be able to get out of the hospital today or have to spend more time, but Chad did say the doctor told him it could take her a month to recover her strength from this. I'm hoping everything turns out OK. In the meantime, Emmy is a cute little bug and adorable to cuddle with.