Kim gave a bit of a report on Erica...I will elaborate some. I am hoping that you all are keeping Erica's recovery in your prayers. She isn't totally "out of the woods" yet. They are still giving her (I think this is # 4 ) units of blood, 3 in and one going in. After they are done with that they are going to get her on her feet for about 20 minutes and see if she has stopped hemorrhaging enough to let her come home this evening. They did the D&C yesterday evening, and "it didn't go as well as we had hoped for" so they tried a new technique that had never been done in American Fork Hospital before (and Erica's Dr was the only one trained to do it-Yet another of the Lord's tender mercies) where they insert some kind of balloon and blow it up to stop the bleeding. That was last night, and this morning when they deflated appears to have worked. But they won't know if it really fixed it until they get Erica up.
The reason I think we all need to continue our prayers is that if this doesn't work, they still might have to do a hysterectomy...which would be a horrible outcome! Emmy doesn't want to be an only child! So I ask you all to continue to pray for Erica, that the bleeding will stop so she can recover and have children later!


Christa said…
We are praying for Erica! We'd love an update on how she's doing. Did she go home?
Gramps said…
Well I wasn't as detailed as I wanted to give the poor kid some semblance of privacy. I know when you check into the hospital you check your dignity at the door, but I'll do what I can. :)

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