Survey: Next

Read the following questions in order and answer them as you go.

1. Pretend it is Monday. Someone says "Next Friday". How many days into the future are they referring to?
Kim: 5

2. Pretend it is Tuesday. Someone says "Next Monday". How many days into the future are they referring to?
Kim: 6

3. Pretend it is Friday. Someone says "Next Monday". How may days into the future are they referring to?
Kim: 3

4. Pretend it is Friday. Someone says "Next Thursday". How may days into the future are they referring to?
Kim: 6

5. Did you change any of your answers to any of these questions after reflecting on what to answer for another question?
Kim: No.


Gramps said…
FYI to me it makes a lot of difference if the person says "Next Friday" as opposed to "Friday Next" (a.k.a Friday Next Week) HOWEVER, I always ask because I know different people have different views on this.
Christa said…
My answers were the same as Dad's.
Erica said…
I changed my answers after thinking about the questions more. For example, referring to question 1: When someone says "next Friday" I think of that as the following week Friday, and "this Friday" as the coming Friday. But if it is a Friday and someone says "Next Monday" I think of the Monday in 3 days. I know, doesn't make sense, except I guess I think of "this Friday" if it's in the same week, and "next" if it's the following week. Okay, way too long explanation and overanalyzing...
Gramps said…
A more common quandry for me is if it is Thursday and someone says "Next Friday". Is that the following day or the next week?
Marilyn said…
Next means the next one, so you can't skip the one tomorrow. I got Kims answers also, no changes.

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