yeah! it is sunday-- the day that you have all been waiting for....the day that Cambrie writes her blog! Unfortunately, Steve has the camera (with all of the pictures on it) with him in Mexico so there will be no pictures from this week. yes, that is right-- steve is south of the border doing a mission trip. He gets back sometime about midnight tonight. He's on a mission trip with his school. Hopefully he had fun practiing his spanish skills and yankin' teeth.
The pictures above are Steve and Kiera reading books in the hammock in our backyead (it is 75 degrees today-- beautiful!), and of the food that I prepared for the babyshower I hosted for my best friend in my ward last week (a ton of work-- i"m glad it is overwith).

So here is the latest news with the Nelsons:
Lydia is officially now in Kiera's room. I was dreading moving her in there because I thought it would be difficult for them to adjust, but they both did fine (except for last night when Lyida was crying like every hour and waking up Kiera-- but that was my fault because I realized at 4am that I had not changed her diaper since 3pm. oops).
Kiera is now singing. The only song that she can sing EVERY word to is the "rain, rain, go away" song. but she also sings the ABC's, head shoulders..., etc.. If any of you remember Buffs "skitamarink" (aka: We Sing" show) that she used to watch when she was a toddler, that is also Kiera's favorite show.

So, Kiera's favorite food on earth is fishy crackers (right up there next to mac n cheese). We normally only pull out fishy crackers as a little treat to bribe her to eat the rest of her food, or to keep her quiet in church. This past week I took Kiera to be babysat by a friend in my ward (so that i could study). Every other toddler except for Kiera eats morning snacks but I don't give kiera a snack ever because if I do she won't eat her meals. However, when she is being babysat and the other kids are having a snack she can have one too. So anyway, I picked her up at noon and took her home for lunch. I wasn't too surprised when she wouldn't eat one bite of lunch (I thought, "must have had a snack...oh well") and I put her down for her nap. After the nap she still wouldn't eat or drink anything. At dinner she wouldn't touch her food and by this time I was quite concerned thinking that she must be sick. I called the chic who had babysat her and asked "did Kiera eat anything for you?" she said, Yes-- she was really hungry. She age 2 full bowls of fishy crackers and finished her juice and so I refilled her juice and she drank all of that too". No WONDER she wouldn't eat for the rest of the day! I can't imagine eating 2 bowls of fishy crackers even myself!!! and Kiera is used to 30% juice 70% water and this chic had refilled her sippy cup with 100% juice. Poor thing probably had a terrible belly ache. So that is what Kiera would eat if she was unrestricted by her mean mother.

Last story: Lydia has been enjoying playing with newspaper this week. I lay her on her back she gets quite excited about it and loves the crinkly noise and such. I discoverd, however, that she loved one of those newspapers a little too much when I was changing her diaper and found that part of a newspaper had come out the other end. The writing was still legible. Oops. I'll watch her a little better from now on.


Chad said…
Fishy Crackers, eh? Skittamarink too? Sounds fun...

No really, it does sound fun to have those two little girls and their adventures each day. I'm sure some adventures are less fun than others, but they sure do make good blog entries.
Erica said…
That is so funny about the newspaper! Still legible!? Yikes! Didn't know that could happen.

I loved your stories. Thanks for sharing! And yes, I am very jealous of the weather you're enjoying. Also, I don't know how you're doing everything with doing homework, etc as well. Great work on the food for the shower too. Looks yummy. And looks like something Brett/Katie would make.
Marilyn said…
You pulled it out to see if you could READ IT!?? I may need to process that one for awhile....
Gramps said…
Yea, I thought at first when I saw the food that Brett had posted. Two girls in the same room..Ok...that makes room for baby #3! So, how long did you know Steve was going to Mexico? Where in Mexico did he go? Details........
Cambrienelson said…
details to way of Steve when he gets home (with pictures)

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