a little of everything

Lots of fun happening around here. Kiera going through daddy-withdrawls

after steve had to start school again. Poor little lady. Kiera has started trying to draw pictures of people now (see photo above). Kiera has officially mastered the VCR. She knows how to work it and what all of the buttons do. (I'll bet there are some 70 year olds who don't know as much as she does at age 2).

Lydia has been enjoying a few firsts lately. We gave her rice cereal last night for the first time which she was apparently more than ready for (see video), we've put her in a doorway jumper which she likes although she hasn't figured out the jumping part yet.

Oh, and for those of you who have been to NM lately, you'll appriciate this: Steve and I plan on applying to a government program that is somewhat like the military in that they pay for your schooling; but instead of steve being in a branch of the military, he will owe the government years of his life serving in one of the not-so-desired locations of the USA. There is a list of like 50 locations that you can choose from. None in utah or arizona, but there IS one in Gallup New Mexico. Tempting........

PS-- anybody out there like avacodos? There are tons of ripe ones here right now and I'm coming to utah in 2 1/2 weeks.


Christa said…
Wow! I've never seen a baby react to rice cereal like that before! Like you said, my kids had to be persuaded that it was actually edible. Benjamin wasn't too bad, but Jacob rejected the stuff forever! What a good baby!

As for Gallup... it's truly a choice location. It's hard to believe that anyone would need extra incentive to live there.
Chad said…
Erica would like some fresh Avocados.

Steve, you may need to see a shrink... "Steve and I"... Not good to refer to yourself in the 3rd person and in the first person in the same phrase.
Chad said…
The Rice Cereal video is funny! That girl could go toe-to-toe with Takeru Kobayashi in a rice cereal eating contest. When do you change her diapers? While she eats, or while she drinks?
Katie Groneman said…
Brett longingly desires for some scrumptious, potassium rich, wholesome and delicious avocados... (he was dictating, if you couldn't tell).
Stevo said…
Chad, Steve does not always right in 3rd person unless he's responding to a comment about a post that his wife, Cambrie, accidentally signed in under his name
Marilyn said…
Wow, I never saw a baby eat like a champ on the first go before! She wasn't even losing any of it! She's got a talent for eating! (she must have gotten that from me!)Cute pictures too! Thanks for taking the time to blog it!
Gramps said…
All so cute. I can't wait to see those girls here. Gallup? What can I say. It's better than Shiprock.
Marilyn said…
Both places are armpits!
That picture of you holding Lydia is the cutest picture of her yet!!! I LOVE it!
Erica said…
Those pictures are priceless!

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