My new phone number

I got a new phone number (Chad can tell you what the new one is) because BYU was paying for my phone before. Using my new phone, I sent a message to the contacts in my old phone that said, "I left Efy and had to get a new phone. This is it. I love being a full-time mom. Hope things are good for you. Love, Erica Krueger Groneman

I received a text and phone call from one of the people I taught on my mission, who I haven't talked to in ages. I called her back, thinking she was just excited to talk to me since it had been a while. After we talked for a bit, she said, "Did I read your text right?" "Did I read that right?" "Yeah," I said. "How do you spell your new last name?" Then I got all concerned I had spelled it wrong or it spelled a bad word or something since it was a new phone I was using and it was the middle of the night when I sent them out. "G-r-o-n-e-m-a-n." "Did I read that right," she asked again. Then she said, "Who's Efy [effie]?" "Oh, that's where I used to work...E-F-Y."

Turns out, she thought Efy (Effie) was my husband's name or nickname or something, and she thought I had left him. She said, "I've been worried all day. I've been praying for you all day, that everything with Efy would be okay and that you were okay."

I assured her that I am very happily married and that she will love my husband when she meets him someday (they live in Azusa, CA). I hope no one else thought Efy was a person! So funny!

Ha ha! :)


Gramps said…
Hilarious...the poor lady. :)
Marilyn said…
Very funny! Chad, maybe we could adopt "Effie" as your nickname! You wouldn't mind would ya? :)
So, what is your new phone # anyway?
I miss your little Emmy! But we will see you again pretty soon!
Cambrienelson said…
That is great. Thanks for sharing : )
Katie Groneman said…
Ha-that's classic!
Erica said…
I don't want to post my # on the blog, so Chad can give it to you, or I can give it to you the next time I'm over there.

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