Groneman Get Together

Sunday, February 8th in the afternoon/evening. Our house. Vote for:

1 - Spagetti
2 - Curry
3 - Pizza
4 - Tacos
5 - Roast Beast
6 - Other

RSVP please


Katie Groneman said…
As of right now, neither of us has to work that night... so I vote for curry.
Chad said…
We vote for food.
Marilyn said…
I vote for Kims curry!
Stevo said…
I would vote curry too but Lydia doesn't. Lydia is not into spicey food (nor garlic, onions, beans, green veggies, or chocolate).
Erica said…
I would vote for curry too, except for the same reasons as Steve's. Not sure that would sit well with little Emmy.
Unknown said…
Curry tastes the bestest.
Chad said…
I'm going to change my vote to "Other". Other, meaning:
Scones & Sausage & Apple Pie.

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