Happy Birthday Sweet Erica!
Hey, yes, I see that Breanna beat me to this, but I just have to do it too! I wish you were up to being able to take you out to lunch, but with you starting to bleed again, I think that would not be wise. R&R-I am sure that is what your Dr would order in this instance. So maybe you will have to take a rain check for lunch or dinner with me!
I told BJ this morning that I am having too much fun taking care of little Emmy. I wish you weren't having to deal with such a problem, but I am enjoying the fringe benefits of loving on my littlest grand daughter! SO SWEET and FUN TO HOLD! Anyway, we sure love you and hope you can have a happy Birthday in spite of having to be in the recovery mode again! I am SO VERY grateful that Chad found and married a treasure like you!


Christa said…
Happy birthday, Erica! You sure got robbed when it comes to your anniversary and birthday! I hope Chad will make it up to you someday when things calm down. Get better soon!
Katie Groneman said…
Yay for birthdays! Hope you have a happy one!

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