While we wait...

I'm waiting for news / pictures / video of Ty Dastrup. But while we wait, I figured I could post this:


Gramps said…
What a beautiful smile! You should have posted a link to the entire collection. HERE IT IS
Marilyn said…
Wow that little lady changes fast! It is pretty amazing to see her while I am seeing Ty...who was only 1 pound smaller...she looks like a giant compared to Ty! How much does she weigh now? Erica, are you feeling back to normal yet?
If I knew how to post pictures I would. I will have to get on those Dastrups to do their duty!! :)
Unknown said…
She's got more red hair in this picture than I've noticed on her before.
Erica said…
I am doing much better. Thanks for asking! My energy is significantly improving, and I feel like now I just have the normal first-time-mom fatigue. :)

Yes, her hair is much more red now. There's no question anymore about what color it is. Yay!
Gramps said…
BTW, the facial expression in this photo looks a lot like Chad when he was a baby.

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