Yesterday we decided to do something useless with the snow that came out of our parking spot.


Erica said…
Wow. I'm impressed!
Gramps said…
Nice. I was never so creative. I still laugh at the toilet Cambrie/Steve/Breanna made out of our snowbank last year.
Gramps said…
Wait...there is a strange resemblance to this famous LDS rock
Christa said…
Proud to know you guys!
Marilyn said…
With talent like that and your going to be a nurse whatever/professor? What a shameful waste of talent!
Cambrienelson said…
ohmygosh it looks cold there! I spent 3 hours at the park with my 2 little ladies and I think they got a bit of heat exhaustion. We are in for a shock 3 weeks from now! (I hope I find a coat for Kiera by then)
Chad said…
That's fun. Did your neighbors say anything?

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