A great food day & bad news for Christa

It started out at lunchtime when Cambrie didn't realize our oven isn't set for just stun mode, it's set for obliterate. The toasted buns we had for our French Dip Sandwiches were...um...really toasted. As Brett/Katie were coming over for dinner, Cambrie decided to do pulled BBQ pork so she used our crock pot...well, apparently the settings on our crock pot are different than the settings on hers because come time to eat, it wasn't anywhere near done. Cambrie quickly decided to do some chicken and we had a good dinner after all. (I made the scrumptious bread pudding desert). It was a fun day even with the cooking problems. :) The little girls are cute. Kiera loves to ride the horsey and sit at her little table. Lydia is so full of smiles she's going to break her face.

NEWSFLASH: Marilyn just called from Albuquerque and said Christa was hemoraging and had to go to the hospital. (Deja vu eh Erica?) She's asking for prayers. It goes without saying that Marilyn won't be driving back home today. :( I love you Christa.


Marilyn said…
11:30 am
Brigham just called..they are taking her in for a D and C, and hopefully, that it all. Please keep praying for her!
Stevo said…
As for dinner, you should do what Buff and I resort to: fish filletes, frozen pizza and burritos, and turkey, chicken, or "Chicken of the Sea" roll-ups...very reliable foods
Stevo said…
Christa, I hope everything turns out all right with you. Good luck Alberquerque-ites
Erica said…
We're praying for you, Christa and fam. I think it has something to do with the red hair. The nurses at the hospital told me that the women who come in with complication like ours almost always have red hair...

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