Blogging on saturday

I'm blogging today becasue I don't want to knock any exciting blogs from the dastrups down the page tomorrow (if they post any here). (good excuse to blog today eh?)

I am tierd. Lydia keeps me awake alot. I've done about 6 things this week that were pretty funny that were caused by my fatigue. The funniest however was when I got out of the shower and put on my deodorant...and then realized that it was hairspray. Sticky armpits are not fun: I wouldn't recommend it.

It is funny how the more kids you have the more laid back you are about parenting. I remember being soooo stressed out about flying with Kiera (even when Steve was traveling with us). I flew probably 10 times with Kiera from age 0-2 and I stressed over every one. However, next wednesday I'll be traveling with TWO children and steve won't be there (and we'll have a layover in vegas). Am I nervous or stressed? not a bit.

The air around these parts smells pretty funky lately. The leaves are still falling off of the trees, it has rained, and then it gets hot. So the leaves are rotting. Yum.

I ran 1 1/2 miles with Buff last night. She has become a runner chic (Buff, YOU should blog about it!).

Lastly, for any of you who didn't see them (you all should have though-- if not let me know) here are our cute ladies. Kiera's picture turned out not-so-hot, but it was the best we could get out of 2 photoshoots.


Gramps said…
I've got those two pictures on our fridge. I'm sorry you're tired. Hazards of being a mom I guess. I'll second the motion that Buff needs to blog about her running. Glad to hear she's keeping it up.
Marilyn said…
I am grateful for the times you can run together! I hate the fact that either of you are running alone at night.
Chad said…
I love my nieces!
Erica said…
Thanks for the updates, Cambrie. We're excited to see you soon.

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