6 Monthiversary

Maybe it's a little silly, but I've very excited to announce that Brett and I are celebrating our 6 monthiversary, also known as a half-yeariversary. Brett is working today, so that's a little lame, but I guess we'll have to live with it.

Here's a little update on us. Brett has entered his final semester of his RN program which means he's started his "preceptorship" - as far as I know, the preceptorship is like clinicals, except he gets to do a lot more on his own with an RN making sure he has any help when he needs it. The only bad thing about it is that the nurse he works with only works graveyard shifts. So we spent an hour or so trying to figure out how his school and work schedule are going to fit with his preceptor's night schedule. I think we figured it out, but it's going to be a hard few months with little sleep (good thing we don't have a newborn too!).

I've started student teaching Biology and a Zoology/Botany at Payson High. Actually, I haven't really started - I've just been observing (yawn...), but I will start teaching this week (or is it next week according to that survey). I'm actually partnered with another student teacher, which is nice for maitaining some discipline and for coming up with ideas (two brains are better than one).

And that's pretty much it... see ya!


Christa said…
Congratulations to you both! Do you still like my brother after living with him for a whole half of a year?

Sounds like you guys are living in busy and exciting times. Good luck with your student teaching! It would scare me to death to try to teach high school kids.

Thanks for the update!
Gramps said…
Yea, thanks for the update. 6 months with Brett...Hmmm. Now THAT deserves an award. :)
Chad said…
Here, Here. I'm in agreement with the commenter known as "Kim". Award needed. Make him take you out for dinner.
Marilyn said…
And we have been thinking about what award would be appropriate....
Sure doesn't seem like 6 months ago to me! And you know what??? I am still just as excited that my son has you for a wife!
Cambrienelson said…
Congrats guys. It goes by fast doesn't it. If you are in a Wymount ward you are now considered "old married people".

Sympathy vibes sent your way for Brett's awful schedule. May it get over with quickly.

Good luck with student teaching Katie... I'm glad it is you and not me! I could never do it!

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