Movie Review: The Dark Knight

I know this movie has already been reviewed on this blog, but I finally got to see it yesterday, and want to add my review.

I had been told that this was a dark, evil movie (see Dad's review, but that wasn't the only one). I even heard of a Stake President that told his stake not to see it. But nobody over me ever asked me to not see it.

I loved Batman Begins, and thus I wanted to see the Sequel. Let's get to it: I liked the movie, and didn't think it was as bad as everyone made it out to be. Was the Joker character evil and demented? Yes. He's the bad guy, so it was expected. Maybe the reviews I had heard braced me for more, but I was expecting him to be even more sick and twisted than he was. I was expecting someone like what people have told me is in "SAW" (It's rated R; I haven't seen it. The bad guy in that movie is about the most sick and twisted I've ever heard of).

There is a good guy that turns bad. But it was not done quietly - the movie came right out and said that the dude turned bad. I had been told that the movie portrayed evil as good. I didn't see that at all in the movie, unless you count Batman driving faster than the speed limit. There is one place where Batman knowingly does something that would be considered "Illegal", but the U.S. Government does it all the time, and Batman made sure he couldn't do it again once his purpose was accomplished.

Its true that the movie has bad things happening to good people, and that in the end, the course of events has undone some of the good things that had been done. But I don't think that was the point of the movie. Like Batman Begins, this movie was about the character of Batman. It shows the struggles Batman faces as he tries to be the incorruptible good guy. Difficult situations arise, and he has to make tough choices. His choices help define who he is. At the end of the movie, he's maintained his integrity to the best of his ability. Things haven't worked out perfectly for him, and there's some choices that will haunt him, but he did the best he could with what information he had. He comes out of the movie as the good guy he was at the beginning, but with some scars.

It wasn't as good as Batman Begins, but I'll enjoy watching this one again.


Erica said…
I agree with what Chad said. Much better than I expected, after hearing everyone else's reviews.
Gramps said…
Different strokes for different folks. :) And to make it clear, I never told anyone not to see it or that it was a terrible movie, I just said I didn't like it.
Marilyn said…
Kim and I have decided there must be a generation gap in our likes of movies, and the next generation's version of good movie. This is not the first time we have been surprised that our children liked something we didn't like.
Unknown said…
I've voiced my opinion on this movie before. I liked it. A lot. I thought it was well acted, well played.

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