I'd like to thank the medical field.

(Picture has nothing to do with the, blog-- it is just cute.)
So, were it not for modern medicine, let us count who would still be here and who would have kicked the bucket by now-- (corret me if I'm wrong or if I've missed something)

Dad/Gramps-- Still alive and kickin'
Mom/Grandma-- Died from hypothyriodism in 1988ish
Christa-- Died from hemorrage in 2005ish
Chad-- Died from hyperthyroidism (in 2008)
Cambrie-- Died of starvation in 2006
Bert-- Died of Diabeties in 1998ish
Buff-- Still alive and kickin
Brigham--Alive and busy
Steve-- Alive and busy
Erica-- Died from hemmorrage in 2009
Katie--Alive but wouldn't have married Brett if he was dead at the time.
Benjamin-- Alive
Jacob--Died from respiratory problems in 2005ish
Kiera-- Wouldn't have existed
Lydia--Wouldn't have existed
Emmy-- Alive and well

So, in summary-- this family would consist of Gramps, Buff, Brigham, Steve, Benjamin, and Emmy.
Good thing we have modern medicine or else this family would have been pretty darn boring at family reunions.


Erica said…
Wow, that puts everything into perspective, huh. Sounds like a family from the 1800s or so, when the life expectancy was so low, with so many women dying as a result of childbirth or related illnesses. I'm thankful for modern medicine too!! Emmy would be an orphan without it.
Stevo said…
I noticed all the old people that would still be alive are only those who have played "Word Challenge" on Facebook. Coincidence? I think not! Word Challenge saves lives!!!
Gramps said…
"this family would have been pretty darn boring at family reunions" Maybe so, but look at what we could save on the food bill.......I'm just sayin....
Christa said…
My bleeding wasn't that bad-- not anything like Erica's. I'd still be alive and kicking, too. Benjamin may have had problems since he was out of amniotic fluid. Jacob probably would have been born at 31 weeks and died then of either repiratory or feeding problems.
Marilyn said…
Maybe the reason we were all born in the last half century-ish time zone is so that we would have a chance to live!
Does it ever strike you that our family is a bit of a mess healthwise?
Marilyn said…
About the picture...I thought the child was supposed to learn from the parent, not the parent from the child...But Steve is so cute sucking on his tongue! Nice, Steve!
Stevo said…
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

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