Baby will be born this week!

I finally heard back from my OB, and I am scheduled to be induced on Saturday the 24th at 7:30 am if baby hasn't made his grand entrance before then! Wish us luck!


Gramps said…
LUCK! "I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it....I'm about to lose control and I think I like it....."
Marilyn said…
I can't wait to see Dastrup baby #3! Guess what guys!? I get to see him before any of you other non-N.M family :)
It is great to welcome all these little packages from Heaven, isn't it?
Marilyn said…
I would rather pray for the Lord's blesings, BTW! It works a whole lot better, so I shall continue to pray! Of course you knew that already!
Chad said…
YAY! I am so excited! Hopefully things will go smooth and you'll be making calls by 5 PM to introduce him to us.

Brigham gets that time off, right?
Cambrienelson said…
I'm sure you are so excited! I personally like being induced. It is nice to be able to plan it out.

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