Even the Robins are rebelling! We have at least 2 robins that decided not to fly south for the winter. I saw them again this morning...they kept fluttering their wings to shake off the snow that was falling on them. I keep wondering what they are surviving on since they eat fruit, worms and bugs, and there isn't any of those around and hasn't been for 1-2 months. I did have mercy (for the first time this winter) and put the grapes from the grape juice we drank, out on the picnic table. They didn't last for long, but I don't know if it was eaten by the robins or the magpies. But, they had their chance! Sometimes the harsh realities of the cold cruel world teach the rebellious to stop rebelling!
In other, much more fun news, I got to enjoy little Emmy, all day today again! I gave her a bath, and it was entertaining! MY MY MY!!! I am very well aware that babies Emmy's age HATE to have baths. So, that she didn't like it was not a surprise at all! But for all of the screaming babies I have ever bathed, Emmy took the "Most enraged" award! SOOOO MAD!!! She didn't just turn red, she turned purple!! And I was laughing because I was so amused at her level of anger, which I am pretty sure, insulted her extremely, because after that was when she went deep purple, and I had her all wrapped up in a very warm towel by then, and she was still so incensed that she was not stopping to catch a breath! What a funny little lady! She did extract some revenge by wetting my new towel so it had to be washed. BOY! her hair looks really red today! Fun stuff!
Chad and Erica, beware of the temper of that little lady when she's a teen!
I turned on some Baby Einstein for her today while I was trying to stretch out her times between feedings more. She likes to watch the puppets, and she is starting to show interest in things around her more, and we can all she she has GROWN in the last 3 days! I am loving holding that little sweetness (she is very sweet most of the time) though. What a doll! Be JEALOUS, BE VERY JEALOUS!!


Unknown said…
Yeah, I usually throw a fit when I have to take a shower too.
Chad said…
That's my daughter.
Gramps said…
I don't have to be jealous for the first time in my life. I was here and got to hold the cute little feisty ginger-haired lass too.
Erica said…
We appreciate your help SO much!!! :)

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