Ready or Not...

Today at my OB appointment my doctor said that after discussing my case with another OB who saw me at my last ultrasound, they think it would be best to induce this baby next week if he hasn't come on his own by then. They are concerned by how small I am, and although my fluid level is fine and the baby is measuring on the small side of normal, they realize that these measurements are subjective and would feel better about not letting me go past my due date. I've emailed her to ask if they will do it on Saturday the 24th, so we'll see what she says.


Erica said…
That is so exciting!!! :) Is it becoming so real now? You'll have another kid so soon!
Gramps said…
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!.....literally. Let us know what your Dr. says.
Marilyn said…
Oh, Boy! is right hon!
So, did you get anything back from your email yet? Let us know as soon as you know, because after having a very close call on the way home from Christmas, I am planning on flying down (because even if the roads seem pretty good when it is time to leave, it doesn't mean they will be when I return, and I have to be here to babysit for Cambrie) I will need to buy my ticket.
Cambrienelson said…
How fun! I'm so excited for you guys to have a new addition!!

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