Proclamation to Groneman Family

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

The Blessing of one Emmy Ann Groneman is tentatively scheduled to take place on the first day of February, in the year two thousand nine. The said blessing will be in a sacrament meeting, commencing at one hour past noon, taking place at the chapel located at two-thirty-five east, five-hundred north, in the city of Springville, Utah County, State of Utah.

In shorthand, that would be:
Emmy's Blessing: 1 Feb 2009, 1:00 PM, 235 E 500 N, Springville.


Marilyn said…
we'll be there! And hey, Punkin and kidlets will be here too!
Cambrienelson said…
mom! you stole my thunder!
Christa said…
I wish we could be there! Make sure you get Mom or somebody to take notes on it for you so that you have it recorded.
Katie Groneman said…
Brett has to work, but I'll come!
Marilyn said…
I thought you didn't blog during the week anymore Cambrie, and I thought you would like them to know. Didn't mean to steal your thunder!

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