Movie Review: Valkyrie

If you don’t mind the subject matter or staring at Tom Cruise’s mole in extreme close-ups then I’d totally recommend watching this movie. It keeps you in suspense from start to almost finish—the last five minutes of the movie it becomes pretty obvious how everything is going to play out. The film sticks to the main plot and doesn’t deviate to concentration camps or anything—think of it as a Saints and Solder’s (small budget, realistic effects) meets Braveheart (plot and the good guys’ odds of winning). Perhaps because it’s a true story and what these people risked makes it all the more powerful regardless if you know your history and know what happens.
My family felt it was at most a onetime see, but I wouldn’t mind putting it in our Nelson Video Vault. There are no inappropriate scenes and I believe there’s only one swear word total. My only suggestion is that they shouldn’t have released the movie during a merry Christmas time since you don’t walk out of the theaters with all those warm fuzzies after watching it.