Update on my dad: My dad has been having chest pain, and they have done some testing and he will be going in this Tues for another heart blockage problem. He did this once before, if you remember right, where he got the stints inserted in...
Dad does pretty well, especially in light of the fact of his challenges on the home front. All of his brothers have cancer. My dad worked at Geneva in an office that every other worker smoked, inside, some of them chain smokers. When he came home from work he reeked of cigarette smoke so bad that my hugs were brief so I didn't have to smell it for too long cause it gagged me out. With 2nd hand smoke that he breathed for 35 years, it is nothing short of a miracle to me that he doesn't have lung cancer. I believe with all of my heart that his life is being sustained and prolonged in answer to our prayers that the Lord extend his life so that he can take care of my mom and keep her out of a care center as long as is possible. Mom continues to be more and more confused. She called me this week and at first she was all agitated because "dad and I are over at the Webers, and he is refusing to take me home and all of the kids are over at our house" I pointed out that all of the kids weren't there, because I was at my house. So she kinda backed off of that one, but then she said, "well I have been gathering up all this stuff to take down...because we might need it down there ..." About then, my dad got on the phone and he said, "Down where?". Her answer, "down in the valley of course!". Yes, she thought she was at the Mtn property. And of course she was at home. And even though we kept pointing out to her that she was in her own home, she kept thinking they were at the Mtn property. Keith says that she calls him "from the mtn property" several times too.
She doesn't think their home is her home anymore. She is always getting after my dad (usually in the middle of the night) saying that "this is not our home! Get up and take me home!!!".
I have thought a lot about her confusion and I have decided that it is a result of her dreams where her parents come to her (she has a lot of those). I think they are telling her that she doesn't belong here anymore and that she needs to come home. Thus she gets up and wakes my dad... I don't know for sure, but that is what I think.
Anyway, my dad is the only thing that stand between her and abject misery if he goes. So I would ask you all to say a prayer for my dad, that things will go well with the procedure on Tues. I am also praying for Erica's recovery, and Christa's baby because of his small size, that things will be alright with that little guy, if any of you would like to join me (you probably already are).

One other thing: There was a baby shower for Michelle Haslem ??? yesterday that me and my sisters went to. We got talking over there. We decided that it would be a really good thing for dad and for my mom if dad had BYU games in their own home. Dad gave the married grandkids a gift this year, but not his kids. That is fine, we don't really need anything. But we decided that what we wanted as a belated Christmas gift is for him to subscribe to comcast so that he could have the games at home. Dad puts all of mom's retirement and SS check into the credit union against the possibility of future care center bills, so they can afford it. So we told him last night at the couples dinner at their house, that as our gift, we want him to subsribe to comcast (or other provider) so he can get the games. So it is a plan. Keith is going to get it going. It will be good, because it will also give them the history channel, and other channels they might enjoy. So if any of you would like to watch the games, I a certain that dad would be so happy to have someone to watch them with! With Brett's schedule this semester, that is highly unlikely...but just in case, I thought you should know!


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