Whats happening in Albuquerque?
Well, this evening we got to introduce Benjamin and Jacob to little Ty. That was fun! Jacob was really cute with him, for about 15 seconds...then he was done! Brigham had turned on NasCar on his laptop, so he was in hog heaven jumping up and down/clapping, about that. Benjamin said that his favorite person in the family now is TY. Cute, huh? Neither Benjamin or I got our quota of holding that cute little guy filled, so we are very anxious for him to come home. Christa is doing well and will be coming home tomorrow. Little Ty seems to be doing well in all respects, except that he doesn't have any interest in eating whatever. Christa and Brigham had a long and very frustrating night last night working for 2 straight hours (with a very obnoxious nurse) trying to get Ty to nurse from about 1:30-3:30 am...to no avail. Still has not nursed and he is 27 hours old. Brighams brother's children all did that...no interest till around 36 hours. So that is what we are hoping that he will get it soon, and he can come home. But he will not be coming home from the hospital until he will eat...especially in light of infant Jacob's similar issue (that way only), they need him to eat before he can come home. So once again, I would ask (I am sure you would anyway, knowing...but you didn't know until now...) you all to join us in a prayer for little Ty to learn to nurse, and soon! We could have a real problem later if he had to stay in the hospital for long! I am not expecting a lengthy stay, but still having him home sooner rather than later is an obvious desire for everyone concerned.
On the home front, me and the little guys are doing great! Benjamin is a great kid for sure!! Grandparents would pay me millions for that kid! He has been well trained. Jacob is pretty easy to have around...but he is a magnet for finding trouble! :) He seems to know all of the things that you don't want him to chew through the most, and he does miracles to get to them! Funny little kid! No sleeping on the job with that one! Well, that about does it! Loves to my family!!


Erica said…
Hopefully that cute little guy will eat soon. That was probably one of the most surprising parts of parenting that I learned in the hospital--how difficult nursing is (for me at least). I thought it would be more natural. Wish someone would have warned me about that one...But I'm sure he'll get the hang of it. :)

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