My shopping trip
Since we've been on the subject of baby's bowels I'll tell my story from this evening. I went tonight to Ross to look for a coat for Kiera (for NM). I took Lydia with me and left just at her bedtime since she always falls asleep in the car and is very portable. Since I thought she was going to be sleeping for the remainder of the night I didn't bring the diaper bag. She slept as expected but just as I was starting to look at coats I heard the rumble from the carseat. No kiddin', sure enough-- a blowout. I saw the yellowness seaping through her PJ's (it had to get through the oneie first) and onto the carseat. I sat there trying to decide what I was going to do with no diaper when I realized that I had stashed a emergency diaper within the foam of the carseat. I sortof cleaned her up in the disgusting restrooms of ross, put her soiled clothes back on as she had nothing else to wear, forgot the coat hunt, and we went home. Of course she was dead asleep when we got home so I had to wake the poor lady and decided to forgo the bath and just wipe her down with a cold wipe. Of course she was very much awake after that. Poor Lydia! Poor me! Poor Kiera won't be getting a coat before NM because I don't have time to hunt for one. Oh, and poor poor Buff had a bad day (you should blog about it buff).
YES, BJ had a BAD day. Hopefully she will find time to blog about it!