Happy anniversary to Mom and Dad! How many years has it been now? We hope that your celebratory dinner last night was both yummy and romantic!

On a totally different note, you will not believe what happened here last night! Brigham called out to me last night, asking me to bring him a glass bowl as quick as I could, but to stand back to hand it to him. It turns out that he stepped on something painful and looked down to see a small movement and what looked like the curve of a scorpion's tail. It was almost impossible to see because it was exactly the same color as the carpet, but thanks to a black light (a parting gift from our friends, the McBrides), we could see it clearly! Brigham called poison control, and they said that there are no deadly scorpions in Albuquerque, so that was a relief, but I still freaked out. THERE WAS A SCORPION IN OUR HOUSE!!!


Gramps said…
Wow...did he get stung?!? Is he ok?
Christa said…
Yes, he got stung. He said that it hurts more than a bee sting, but only the Bark scorpion is deadly, and it isn't found here in Albuquerque-- thank goodness!
Gramps said…
Yeouch. I've never been stung by a scorpion. Never found one in UT valley. Have seen plenty in Southern UT tho. Oh..as for our Anniversary, 31 years. We sloberated by going to Marilyn's favorite restaurant, Yamatos (VERY authentic Japanese food)
Marilyn said…
Hey, life resumes to normal around here: time to check the blog. So, any updates on Brighams foot? Can he walk on it?
Sometime, we are going to have to take the family to yamatos for lunch. I think you people would like it. Kim got good sushi for the first time in like 25 years...
Cambrienelson said…
yucky!! I don't know if I want to come visit you guys now....
Cambrienelson said…
yucky!! I don't know if I want to come visit you guys now....

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