My dark cloud...

I think everyone knows except maybe Buffy & the Dastrups. This past weekend I had planned to go mountain biking early in the morning, because there's better chances of seeing wildlife early. I woke up Saturday morning, got ready to go, and left the apartment. I immediately noticed that my bike was missing. I looked over the guard rail, and down below was my lock, cut in two. My bike was gone. It made me mad, not only because I had gotten up early for no reason, and not only because my bike was gone. There were plenty of other bikes that were not secured in any way, laying around the complex. But someone had targeted my bike, and had come with bolt cutters to get through my lock. That meant it wasn't just a homeless person who wanted a ride. It was someone who was stealing my bike for its value. That's what really made me mad.

I fumed over that, and started to calm down by the next morning, which was Sunday. I was going to my new ward for the first time, and was a bit anxious to see how many people in my stage of life were in the ward. I went out to my car, opened the door, and found shattered glass all over, and the contents of my console on the passenger seat. Included in that was a bank receipt with my name & account number on it, from Friday. Nothing was taken, because they had already taken my CD collection from my car three months previous. I think it was the same person, because they smashed the same area, and locked the doors when they were done.

For both instances I called the police and filed reports, and I made them come take fingerprints on the contents of the console. I don't expect anything will come of it. I missed church because I was filing my police report.

It couldn't be at a worse time. I'm still furious that someone did that. I have to get everything repaired, which costs me both time and money, both of which are quite precious to me right now.


Gramps said…
...and on top of that, the day before closing on his house, a pipe broke and flooded the kitchen ruining the floor. The good news on that was that it was before closing and the previous owners had to put $2000 in escrow to pay for replacing the kitchen floor. The best news is that Chad DID close on his house and is now a proud home owner. We start moving him in Thursday after work.
Breanna said…
Wow....chad, have you broken any mirrors lately? Or walked under any ladders?? or maybe came across a black cat? that is so horrible! Do you think it's someone who has something against you?? made anyone mad lately??
Chad said…
No, I don't know anyone in that ward well enough to have created any enemies.
Christa said…
They say that bad luck comes in threes-- you should be safe for awhile, huh? Have fun moving in today! How does it feel living in your own home?
Chad said…
Turned out that I couldn't move in 'till Friday - today. I'll be moving in this evening.

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