Nelson family update:

Life is super busy around here lately (thus the decrease in blogging). We are trying to get everything done to prepare to be foster parents by the time dental school starts.
I have started one of my classes from my local community college and I am still trying to arrange my clinicals for my BYUI nursing class. It is difficult though because nobody has ever heard of BYUI and none of the hospitals are interested in doing the paperwork in order to help me do my clincals there. I'm getting a little nervous.
Yesterday we had our first home inspection for becoming foster parents. We still need to buy locks and locked containers from almost everything in our house it seems. All the following have to be locked up: all medications, vitamins, knives, sissors, steve's rasor, all chemicals including laundry detergent, dish soap, gas for the lawnmower. And what makes it more difficult is that sharps are not allowed to be locked up with chemicals or medications etc. How do you go about locking up a gas can? or locking up steve's razor that he shaves with everyday? what a pain. However, it is part of the rules and I know they require it just to keep the kids safe so we will comply.
busy busy busy!!


Gramps said…
Busy, Busy, Busy is right! Sounds like you have your hands full. What happens if you can't get someone to allow you your BYUI clinicals? Sounds like you'll be buying a bunch of boxes/cabinets and locks!
Christa said…
When does Steve start school? Do you think you'll be able to get everything done on time?
Marilyn said…
Humm...buying a safe for your gas can?
Cambrienelson said…
steve school starts the 17th
Chad said…
Fun, fun. If you had a shed you could lock the gas can in the shed. But I think I once saw a metal gas can that had a cap that locked. It was old, and the only one I've ever seen.

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