This morning as I was getting ready for my run, Benjamin begged me to let him wear his "running shoes." I didn't want to take the time to put socks on him, but it seemed to be VERY important to him, so I did it. Not far into my run, Benjamin wanted to know if he could get out and run with me. I brushed him off, but he continued to ask, so about a mile away from home I got him out and he ran with me. It was so cute to see him sprinting along with me in his pajamas and "running shoes"! He actually did better than I thought. I had to slow up a little bit, and after awhile he got tired and got back in the stroller. I thought that would be the end, but about a minute later, he was begging to get out again. So we ran like that all the way home, with him getting back in the stroller for a minute whenever he got tired. He probably ran a half of a mile or more! It's good to see that the second generation of Dastrup runners is well on its way! That means that I can retire before long, right?


Chad said…
CNN recently did a blip on the growing trend of young runners. The bottom line: It can be good, but don't push them or sign them up to do races, because it causes injury since their bodies are still growing, sometimes resulting in their being unable to run when they get into their 20's.
Stevo said…
He probably could've passed me up
Marilyn said…
Cute! So he has never wanted to run before that day? He obviously had it planned...

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