This is SO cute! I love it. Steve, what did you use to create it?


Marilyn said…
THAT WAS FABULOUS!!! SO FABULOUS IT MADE ME CRY! Very sweet! I just want to know why it was Kim that posted it on the main page when it was a masterpiece!
Stevo said…
I used Windows Movie Maker. It's really fun to use. The end originally said "We love you Kiera" but Cambrie said it seemed to much like an obituary tribute so we changed the wording:)
Christa said…
Fun slide show! When she gets married, it's ready-made! Good thinking!
Malesa said…
That was adorable. Cute baby, cute family (and cute haircut Cambrie!)
Chad said…
Standing ovation!
Chad said…
That's my niece!

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