Conference Weekend... So far...

Yesterday: A very nice day. High 60's (maybe into the 70's?). We were able to work outside and get gravel out of our yard. We used Mom & Dad's trailer to go get 2 yards of compost. In the afternoon, I changed into shorts, and even walked around outside with bare feet, and the pavement was warm.
Pictures from yesterday:

Last night a storm rolled in. It was pretty fierce. It was pounding the front of our house. Eventually it quieted down...
Today: we woke up this morning and when we got around to looking out our back window, we saw this:
I mustered up some courage to go get the paper, and see what our house looked like. Here's some pictures:


Gramps said…
Cute pic of Emmy laying on her Pa! Yea, a big difference between yesterday and today. Yesterday I was too warm working outside for a while, and today as I am typing this, it's snowing horizontaly outside my window. I haven't been outside to see if our house is as plastered as yours, but pro'ly not since ours faces West and the storm blew in from the North. The long term forecast doesn't look good for the first part of the Nelson visit.
Marilyn said…
Your fence posts are up! and you got more snow than we did, for sure. When the snow comes in from the north like that, we rarely get as much as the rest of the valley. But it is too bad it is so yukky outside...the little ones won't be able to play outside. But we'll enjoy them none the less.
Cambrienelson said…
Wow crazy! Warm to cold so fast? That door picture is telling.
I'm excited to see your place!

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