Albuquerque Awesomeness
It's not everyday that we find an activity that is equally fun and exciting for all members of our family, from Brigham on down to Jacob-- but today we found one of those things. This morning we yanked our kids out of bed early (also a rare happening) and headed down to the famous International Balloon Fiesta. It was AWESOME! Because of traffic we got there later than we wanted to, and we arrived just as the shaped balloons were starting to launch. There were so many fun and crazy balloons-- from Darth Vader to a cathedral! And they were HUGE. The pictures really don't do this event justice at all. After the shaped balloons all launched, there was a hot-air balloon competition. They set up three big poles and tied keys to each of them. Balloonists swooped down and tried to get a key off of a pole. One of the keys was to a new car, so hundreds of balloons came down really close to the ground (we saw three actually crash INTO the ground) right in front of us. It was beautiful and a lot of fun! We are excited to go again next year, and anyone who wants to join us is welcome!
Also, I was wondering if they award prizes of value for the best shaped balloon? It has got to cost a fortune to have those custom made to be Cathedrals for instance!
Looks like fun!
...yeah, that's about as fancy as it gets around here. Those pictures really look awesome. To bad about the accident.