This isn't really a big deal, but I'm kind of excited about it, so I'm sharing with the fam. The professor I work with at school contacted me about a teaching job at a charter school in Provo. It's just from now until Dec. but it pays $25 an hour! Well... I'll only be teaching 2 hours a week - but... that's $50 we didn't have before, I'm getting school credit for it for one of my secondary ed teaching courses, and it will be great experience to give me a head start on student teaching next semester. Only a few people in the world might get excited to teach 13-year olds about genetics, and you're related to one of them (even if only by marriage). (And I just learned how to put a picture with a blog - I'm learning so much!)
Congrats! $50 is always nice to have. In a 2 days time you could make enough $ to pay for gas to drive to sunny southern California this winter and visit relatives : )