So this posting is about 2 days late, but I nevertheless thought it interesting so I thought I would post it. About 3 years ago I went to my first Republican Caucus Meeting. I was completely underwhelmed with the turn out. Our precint (roughly a little bigger than our ward I would say) had about 20 people in attendance. It would have been pretty darn easy to have been elected to a delegate position for either the county or state. For those of you who don't know, the caucus is really grass roots politics in action. The people present nominate and vote on delegates who in turn will go to the conventions and vote on whom they want to represent us on the ballots which we will all vote on again in Nov. So your delagates really need to be people you would like to represent you, and you have more power at a caucus meeting on the political process of selecting elected officials than at any other time.
So anyway, back to my story. I was completely surprised this year at the overwhelming turnout at the caucus Mtg! It was at PG Jr. High, and you had to walk 4 blocks to get to the school, or you could do what I did and found a spot far away in the cemetery. My little precinct turnout of 20 last time had at least 125 this time! And that was just one of the little break-off groups (of around 20). The place was PACKED! You could say that there are A LOT of people who are very concerned about the horrible way our govt, state and national are being run, and that they have decided that it is time to get involved, not just sit back and gripe!
Yes, that was my motivating factor in attending too. I even thought I might try to become a delegate, but there were plenty of those there who were more qualified than I was to do the job, so I happily let them do it. In our area, pretty much everyone sees things the way I see them anyway. In other areas of the country, that would be less true.
There were a lot of people in attendance who were concerned about supporting our US Constitution which is being side-stepped in many instances. It is becoming more and more clear how the prophecy of "the constitution will hang by a thread" will be fulfilled. Personally, in all of my life of being on and off disgusted with some of the stupidity of our elected officials in running our govt., I have not seen as much stupidity as I have seen in the last 3 years. I would have never believed 5 years ago that the govt could go down the tubes in the category of "wise government" so far, so fast! Fasten your seat belt folks, I think we are in for a rougher ride than the one we are currently on!