Thanksgiving Rotation
Alright, siblings. This post is for you. As we all know, Thanksgiving is at Mom and Dad's this year. Our problem is that Dastrups are also having Thanksgiving at their side this year, and all of Brigham's Utah siblings are there this year and then rotating to their other sides next year. Obviously that isn't good news for us. As it is now, no matter what we make one side of the family unhappy. Brigham's brother's family is pretty much locked into their rotation because his wife's parents go to Vegas every other year when it is not their turn (i.e. this year). So my question to you, my dear siblings, is this: are you guys already set in a rotation with your other side of the family? If you are set, I guess that maybe we'll have to do 2 years in a row with one family and then 2 years with the next so that one family isn't always getting shafted. But that's not ideal because that means we'd only have Thanksgiving with you all once every 4 years. Booooo! I'm still hoping that we can find a way to make everyone happy.
For me, what Kim says.
Since we live so close, and since we don't have a bunch of kids yet, I'm kind of planning on spending at least a few hours at both parent's houses for the big holidays. I also like to take into account if anyone from out of town is coming for the holiday... then I'm more likely to spend time on that side.
Welcome back to Utah where you have to make all these fun decisions.
We don't want to do the whole "visit everyone" thing on holidays. Not to say that we won't occasionally visit on an off-holiday, but we don't want to establish a pattern where that's expected. We want to be able to relax on the holidays, and not have to worry because we haven't seen the other side yet.
As families get bigger, we understand we won't be able to see everyone every time there is a party. We'll miss the people who aren't there, but hopefully we'll see them at the next party.