Update on Me (if anybody cares)

The Dr's office called yesterday and said they'd scheduled an appointment for discussing taking care of my thyroid through radiation. I said OK. Then, the Radiologist called me an hour later and said he wanted to do it over the phone, and give me the radiation treatment today. So I talked with him for quite a while. He says I have Graves disease (updated : I previously said White's disease), and highly recommended the radiation treatment, although there are a couple of other options.

After weighing out the options, I've decided to go ahead and do the radiation treatment, because it doesn't completely kill the thyroid. It just severely hurts it.

I'll be taking a good dose of Iodine-131 , which has the sideaffect of not being around my unborn baby for a while, which in turn means staying away from Erica. That won't be fun.


Erica said…
Didn't he say it was Gray's Disease? (wrong color, I think...)
Erica said…
We both got it wrong. It's Graves Disease. :)
Chad said…
Oh yea. Well, I knew it wasn't neon-pink's disease. I had to take a guess at the other colors.
Gramps said…
Graves disease?!? The name makes it sound way serious dude. Hey, when you are done being nuked, come over and hold your fingers on some batteries we have at our house that need recharging. Just think. Erica will be able to use you as a night light for a couple of days.
Chad said…
News flash: We've put a hold on the radiation treatment, because we're concerned I might have Grave's ophthemology sometheing-or-other, which the internet says doesn't mix well with the radiation treatment.
Gramps said…
Ok. Erica: Keep that nightlight plugged in and I can just revert to my battery charger.
Marilyn said…
He went ahead and did it. Now Erica can REALLY sing the song.."You light up my life..." Heck! Maybe we won't even need a campfire friday at the MTN.!!!
Cambrienelson said…
That's crazy. I'm glad that they finally diagnosed it though and can start working on a treatment. Must be difficult to stay away from your wife.
Erica said…
It was pretty funny last night trying to watch the Olympics in the same room while staying more than 6 feet apart from each other. :) The only thing I keep thinking with all of this is that the pros way outweigh the cons. We're anxious to have Chad back to normal again (still remains to be seen if this will fix his eyes as well).
Christa said…
I'm so glad it's treatable! Do you get out of work for this?

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