Awwww...Yubs!!! (oh...loves!)

Kiera "yubs" her little sister. Lydia rarely cries when she gets yubs from Kiera. She loves having Kiera around and thinks she is the funniest thing ever.


Chad said…
I love the pictures... Thanks for sharing!
Katie Groneman said…
I had a dream last night that I was playing peek-a-boo with Lydia... She didn't seem to like it much though...
Gramps said…
Now there'sa bunch of pictures that make me smile. :)
Marilyn said…
Katie, it's a SIGN! The correct interpretation of your dream: You are not very fun for Lydia to play with, so provide her a cute cousin instead!! (Truly inspired!!!)
Gramps said…
I want some Kiera/Lydia Yubs!

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