Nelson update

Weekly update: Not tons to report once again.
I've spent alot of time this week helping out my best friend in the ward who had a baby the same week Ty was born. The baby is colicy so I'm helping out with the toddler (kiera's friend). I WISH I could be helping out Christa too as I know she is in need!

We are ever so excited because Buff is taking me n the girls to dizzyland on tuesday. Kiera is already talking about the princesses who live there. We are hoping to get season passes soon (like buff).

Kiera got her haircut yesterday and now looks much like mine. One of these days I'll post picutures.

Lydias favorite person in the world is Kiera. She thinks everything she does is histerical. They are a fun little pair.

Steve is busy busy busy with school and I on the other also busy busy busy with school (when my girls are asleep). 4 more weeks of this darn class.


Marilyn said…
We just got back from dropping off the Dastrup Family at the airport. It takes 2 cars to get them up there now. Christa definitely has her work cut out for her. Ty has a bad sleep schedule....he is up 4-5 times a night and daytime naps he wakes up if you put him down, so that makes it really difficult to get anything done. If you have space in your prayers, pray for Ty to learn how to sleep better! Christa NEEDS that blessing!
Marilyn said…
We just got back from dropping off the Dastrup Family at the airport. It takes 2 cars to get them up there now. Christa definitely has her work cut out for her. Ty has a bad sleep schedule....he is up 4-5 times a night and daytime naps he wakes up if you put him down, so that makes it really difficult to get anything done. If you have space in your prayers, pray for Ty to learn how to sleep better! Christa NEEDS that blessing!
Marilyn said…
We'll want pictures of Dizzyland! Thanks for the update!
Gramps said…
You can say that again. Yea Punkin' I'll bet you'll be glad when your done with school. I can't wait to see Kiera with a new haircut. That makes me sad as her hair was so silky. I can understand Kiera being Lydia's best buddy. Miss you guys!
Erica said…
I love your updates, Cambrie. Thanks for keeping us posted. Have fun with the princesses! Sounds so fun!! :)

So, no half marathon for you here in August? I really was going to start training for that. Maybe I'll do it anyway, if I can get up the umph to work out (and if the weather would just warm up!!).
Cambrienelson said…
No I probably won't make it to utah in august. However I'll probably do a half marathon here in california this summer

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