Ty's Blessing

We've decided to bless Ty while we are here in Utah, and we are hoping that all of you Gronemans can come! This will be the first time I've ever had an immediate family member of mine there, so I am excited! It will be in Grandma Haslem's ward (long story) which is at 9 am. I'm not sure which building it is, but when I find out, I'll let you know. We hope to see you there!! I can't wait to meet Emmy and see my brothers and sisters-in-law, so I hope we don't have to wait until then!


Chad said…
As in March 8th, right?
Gramps said…
Rrrroger! March 8th.
Cambrienelson said…
I wish we could be there too! I'd love to see cute little ty in person!

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