Dastrup Update

This is it! The week that Benjamin starts school! Thursday is the big day, and I vascillate between pure joy and panic attacks several times an hour. On the one hand, Benjamin is SO ready and will really benefit from having peers to play with every day, but on the other hand, sending him out into the big bad world (even if it only is first grade) is scary! Will he make a good friend? Will kids tease him about his glasses? Now that he is the youngest in his class, will he be able to keep up physically? These are the questions that keep me up at night worrying. Friday was "Meet the Teacher Day", so we got to meet his teacher, Ms. Zuni and see his classroom. Ms. Zuni seemed very nice, and Benjamin was excited about the class pet (a beta fish) and the M&M machine used for rewards. He's been counting down the hours ever since.

Jacob starts school a week from tomorrow. He hasn't said anything about being excited yet, but I'm excited for him. His continuous chewing on things leaves little bits of paper, etc. all over the floor for Ty to ingest and choke on.

Ty is now a very proficient army crawler. He gets around to wherever he wants to go without too much trouble. I've seen him crawl for real a little bit, but he is still figuring it out. Any day now I'm sure he'll have it down. Although I have to keep a closer eye on him, I am thrilled about it. This is my first baby who can get around independently before 12 months since Benjamin didn't crawl and Jacob was delayed, and I really think it contributes to his happiness. Unfortunately, he hasn't been very happy for the last couple of days since he's come down with a nasty cold. Hopefully it will pass quickly! Ty's other trick that he learned about 3 days ago is how to sit himself up. He's growing up so fast!


Gramps said…
Sounds like Ty is making progress! Benjamin in real school...that's cool...I think he'll really enjoy it. I hope Jacob likes his class again this year. Look at all this progress. Wow. Time marches on and the kids are growing up.
Cambrienelson said…
I'm excited for Benjamin! He will love school.
Poor little Ty. It is no fun when tiny people are sick.
I can totally see how Jacob's trails of shredded things could be a problem for tiny Ty.
Gramps said…
Oh...and I love the video! That was so fun.
Marilyn said…
Great video, great little Ty! I miss those boys! And my girls too!

Did you warn the teacher that she will need a LOT of M&M's with Benjamin in her class?

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