Mmmm...good breakfast

I was starting to make breakfast this morning when I hear the pitter patter of big feet coming up the stairs. Lo and behold, Brett and Katie came up to get their mail and we talked them into joining us for breakfast. First we fried up a whole griddle of bacon then made pancakes. For pancake toppings we had peaches, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and then we had some cream cheese gooey stuff and maple syrup and raspberry syrup. Of course we also had peanut butter....and almond butter. Mmmmm....sure was good. Anyone else wants to show up on a Sunday morning we'll make you breakfast too.


Katie Groneman said…
That's the 2nd time in a week that we happened to wander upstairs at just the right time to score some fabulous food. You'll be glad when we're gone so you can actually eat your own food without having a couple moochers steal it.
Marilyn said…
it's fun to share our food! Whatever are you talking about?

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