emergency medicine

Since Brigham is an ER doctor I thought I'd share my thoughts and observations about Emergency Medicine.
First of all, I DREADED going to the Emergency room-- probably partly because I don't like the unexpected problems with no known history of baseline information on the patient, and partialy because I am not familiar with how to treat many of the problems that walk into an ER (I don't deal with much Croup or toothpicks inbedded in kids feet in the ICU or home health).
I must say that after 3 nights of working there I am not so anti-ER anymore although I still would not choose to work there. The type of nurse that works in an ER is just different. They all seemed a little ADHD to me (if I had to give them an overall stereotype). Also, I observed that the overall stereotype ER doctor was very nice, and very trim and athletic (I guess that fits you too Brigham!).
I was AMAZED by the number of drug overdoses, rapes, etc. that walk into an ER in little American Fork Utah on any given night.
The thing that I found I really liked about ER was that I was able to quickly help some people who were MISERABLE (fever, severe pain, nausea) with some strong IV medicaiton. I was nice to walk into a room with someone laying in the bed moaning and feeling like they were on daelth's door and say to them "you'll feel better in 3 minutes" and then give them some IV medication and watch the relief come (and the gratitute too).
Interesting job you have Brigham.


Erica said…
I've been a patient in the AF hospital ER. They really knew what they were doing. I had IVs pumping in both arms within seconds, and I think somehow they managed to stop the bleeding too. Not sure how, but I was impressed. I wonder what you would have thought being a nurse when I was admitted from outpatient services? I kind of assume that ER nurses and doctors have seen it all, so it probably didn't phase them.
Marilyn said…
But Cambrie came home at 3-4AM and just had to go watch her little ladies sleep to make sure they were alright after seeing VERY sick babies all night. She would also take a shower before going to bed to help insure that her little ones didn't get what was floating about the ER

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